Contest University Italy (Montichiari 2010).
Saturday 13 March 2010 me and my daughter Anna, SW8NAC we were in Brescia (Montichiari) close to Milano for the contest University meeting during the Montichiari hamvention. There was also Tim, K3LR from Contest University.
Also IK2QEI, IK2EAD did a great job for this meeting.
Saturday 13 March 2010 me and my daughter Anna, SW8NAC we were in Brescia (Montichiari) close to Milano for the contest University meeting during the Montichiari hamvention. There was also Tim, K3LR from Contest University.
Also IK2QEI, IK2EAD did a great job for this meeting.

During Contest University Italy 2010 meeting we had:
S50A, Tine explain how to read contest rules and CQWW news.
SV8CS, Spiros for Low Bands Antennas and reception in restricted QTH's.
K3LR, Tim about Contest Operating Techniques.
S52X, Tadej for RTTY contesting and interfaces.
IK4MGP & IK4VET for HQ Italia during IARU 2010.
IW2WIJ & IK2NCJ, about WRTC 2010.
W7EJ also CN2R, Jim for contesting around the world.
During the meeting my daughter Anna, SW8NAC (12 years old), received a plaque as young talent Ham Radio operator.
Into the conference hall the Italian D-Star group had instaled a full D-Star repeater and with this was very easy for me and SW8NAC to have a QSO with our friends (SW8NAG,SV8RX,SV8YM), from Italy to Zante Island.
See you next year in CTU meeting.
73, Spiros SV8CS and Anna SW8NAC.
MARCH 20, 2010
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