Are you in rare DXpedition or sailing?
Now with the help of WINLINK 2000, Global Radio Email system, you can send your e-mails to all your friends via HF transceiver for free.

From my QTH,(Zakynthos island - KM07JS) I can easily connected to DA5UHR-5 in 40m and to
OE5XIR-5 on 80m and send (for free) e-mails and receive e-mails in my PC normaly.To send and receive e-mail is as easy as Outlock express.You need a very carefull adjustment to audio (audio PC card, in and out) because any kind of distortion can destroy the signal.
The author of Winmor is Rick Muething KN6KB.
The author of Winmor is Rick Muething KN6KB.
Links: (In Italian).
73, Spiros