MMMonVHF Sporadic E 2009 summery pages(
http://www.mmmonvhf.de/es.php) ; call for reports.Sporadic E summary pages have existed already for many years in Europe first started by Udo, DK5YA between 2001 and 2005 and then by Steffen, DM2SR in 2007-2008. In 2008 this section became part of MMMonVHF directed by Frank, PA4EME and Udo, DK5YA.MMMonVHF has over 2000 registered users and an increasing number of visitors from continents other than Europe. After testing the programming just for Europe in 2008, our intention is to report Es worldwide. During the Sporadic E season in Australia, lasting from approximately Nov. 2008 until May 2009, first maps were created from another continent as Europe. Meanwhile, we are able to produce detailed maps from every Sporadic E opening that occurred on 144 MHz, no matter what day or continent. However the system needs to be feed with information. The information can be obtained from spots on DX-clusters but you may understand we prefer detailed information from stations involved in the opening.Therefore we invite everybody to report their contacts to the Es section of the MMMonVHF pages.. If this is your first visit you need to register. After logging in, the page is self-explanatory. Please follow the instructions. In particular please use the correct time format HH:MM (mind the colon -:- ) and a 4 or 6 character locator. Please select the correct day and check that twice. The information will show only after a delay for processing. You will receive a confirmation that your data was received in good order but it will not show up right away in the summaries. Ansgar, DG2KBC, programmed several tools capable of processing the data. But there are many types of logging programs and formats so every log is checked personally by Frank, PA4EME, or Udo, DK5YA. When needed, we will correct the format of your report to be able to process it. The changes will be visible in the summaries. The 2008 season learned that the time format is needing attention as well the locator. For example: many are using the time format 08.00 but the system needs 08:00 or a locator JO20 needs to be like JO20WX. In case you don't add the last two digits of the square, we will draw the lines from the center of the square which correspondents with the subsquare MM.For 2009 we especially invite amateurs from other continents as Europe to send their reports. However don't forget the time difference between your continent and Europe. We try to get the reports and maps on-line as fast as possible. Last year we succeeded to have maps and reports on the summery pages during ongoing openings in Europe.However don't forget: "Work first and report later..."..... we will do the same!
On behalf of the MMMonVHF team,Frank, PA4EME and Udo, DK5YA
See you in coming Es openings de SV8CS.