Big day today. Two young kids became Radio Amateurs today 27 Oct 2009. My daughter Anna (12 years old) is now a Radio Amateur with the callsign SW8NAC.

W6OSP, Bruce, at the microphone of K4M for the historic QSOs with the USS Midway Museum.
Congratulation for mice operation!
73 de SV8CS (Zante Western Mountains Club)
In this contest after a very hard job to be single operator single band 15m only i finished in the 3rd place world. The propagation don't help me and the MUF was extremelly low. For many hours the band was closed.
Many thanks to all of you that you are in my contest RTTY log and help me to wone the 3rd place world with 110.875 points.
See you in the next CQWW RTTY contest.
73, Spiros - SV8CS
With the 4x25 (by I0JXX) antennae I have a sun noise up to 7.015 db with the KUHNE (MKU LNA 432A) preamplifier attached to the splitter without the antenna relays.
For the moment I am using the Russian antenna relays REW-14,
until the NEW antenna relay, ordered to the SSB Electronics (HF400), comes here.
Inserting the REW-14 relays between the splitter and the preamplifier I measured losses at 1,5 db. When the HF400 comes here, I will test again the sun noise difference between the SUN and the cool Sky. The measurements taken with the Noise meter program and the VK3UM excellent EME Calc program.
A very nice page about the sun noise measurements and antennae performance is the Home page of DJ3JJ, Andreas.
DJ3JJ, Andreas say that with my 4x25 I must have at least 10db Sun Noise. I have to modify my harnesses (the coaxial cable, Ecoflex15) between the antenna dipoles and the splitter to have less losses. Now the length of the 4 coaxials harnesses is 3,80m ... too long for 70cm EME operations.
When I will improve my system by 3db (from 7 to 10 as DJ3JJ says) it is similar to have 8 antennas instead of 4!!!
With this set-up until today I made 8 EME qso's
Any way, there is NOT so much activity on 70cm as in 2m .... unfortunately.
Foto 2: The UHF antennas are under the table for the moment.
My self today (18 Jan 2009) in a "post modern photo" . The command in front of the YAESU FT2000- Kenwood TS2000- Yaesu FT847 etc.
If you have any vintage rig don't forget to take part in the CQ-CX -Classic Exchange (CX) contest held twice a year. January 25/26 and February 15/16. Please read more at :
See you in the CQ-CX contest - 73 de SV8CS