Thank you for this NEW ONE on 2m
73, Spiros - SV8CS
Thank you for this NEW ONE on 2m
73, Spiros - SV8CS
In the photo there are the 2m Antennas used by Enrie ZD8B.
Following Enrie's Log with qso's until today:
LOG until Nov, 10th 2030 UT:
Worked in the ARRL Contest, 2008-11-15:
More info at :
http://www.df2zc.de/newsletter/index.html and http://www.mmmonvhf.de/
TNX Enrie for the QSO - 73 de sv8cs
Frank, DL8YHR using for the 2m, EME qso's one antenna 18XXX and a BECO amplifier.
Frank most of the time had a very strong signal with his single antenna. Signals where very strong. The pile-up of calling stations where extremely incredible. My qso with A43DLH in 2m is the number 117 DXCC. More info at MMMonVHF web site http://www.mmmonvhf.de/.Also more info in the DL8YHR web page: http://www.dl8yhr.de/.
Thank you Frank for this NEW ONE for me.
73 Spiros - SV8CS
Make More Miles on VHF is the best site for the VHFer's - UHFer's and also HFer's. All news about DXpeditions , propagation , databases , QSL info , theory etc etc. This site is a grate tool for active VHF amateurs. Site: http://www.MMMonVHF.de/
The MMMonVHF VHF-DX-Portal will be maintened by DG2KBC DK3XT DK5EW DK5YA HA5CRX IV3NDC OZ1LPR PA2DW PA3BIY & PA4EME and myself (DL8EBW) and we try always to be as up to date as possible. We have around 1800 reg. pleople subscribed our weekly MMMonVHF- Newsletter. There are lot of usefull VHF-Tools at these VHF-DX-Portal and all your ideas and input is very welcome! The MMMonVHF VHF-DX-Portal will use the information without a need of any need of special software...
For an example of other expeditions, please feel free to have a look right now at MMMonVHF http://www.MMMonVHF.de/ Best wishes and waiting your activity and other VHF-expedition-infos...
73 de Guido "Guy" DL8EBWon behalf of the MMMonVHF-TeamDG2KBC DK3XT DK5EW DK5YA HA5CRX IV3NDC OZ1LPR PA2DW PA3BIY & PA4EME.
Hope to see you on VHF band via EME, Es, M/S and tropo de SV8CS.
In the foto are the JW5E antennas.http://www.emelogger.com/svalbard/
They stay on Svalbard Island until 9th June 2008.
73, Spiros SV8CS
CN3A has now in the LoTW 30.898 QSO records, with 8.595 QSL records, included all qso's made via EME in 6m and 2m with digital modes (JT65B-JT65A-FSK441).
For 5F3COM, (special call), there are at about 2.000 QSO's uploaded in the LoTW.
The 5D5A logs are NOT in the LoTW now, but we will upload the qso's with this call very soon. Thank you for the qso's and see you next contest from CN3A.
73, Spiros SV8CS
Thank you very much for the qso's and hope to see you again this summer in the coming IOTA contest as FIX island station.
73 de sv8cs , Spiros